Quality Assurance Policy
The aims of the Academy are:
- To offer higher education in music studies
- To offer a highly structured level of teaching and evaluation
- To equip and prepare students for entering the music profession successfully, in the fields of Music Education, Performance, Composition and other music and artistic fields.
- To provide a high standard of education that will enable our students to pursue further in music studies and research.
- The course has been formed by experienced musicians (Performers, composers, academics, and pedagogues) based on other programs of great music schools abroad. It has been done with a great effort to balance the theoretical, instrumental, and academic study of music, as well as balance in the main courses of pathways and on the basis of assessment of the knowledge of the graduates of other musicians.
- The quality of the course is ensured through the sessions and decisions taken by members of the academic and administrative staff, by various committees such as the Council, the Academic Committee, the Administrative Committee and the Internal Evaluation Committee as well as by the students.
- Internal Evaluation Committee is in charge of monitoring and maintaining a continuous high standard of education that ensures our aims and objectives in Quality education.
- The faculty consists of eminent musicians and scholars of different musical backgrounds, covering a wide range of interests and research. Martino Tirimo, the distinguished pianists and musician serves as the artistic director of the Academy. The principal of the Academy is Pitsa Spyridaki who is well recognised for her contribution in music education in Cyprus for many years. The director and the professors are committed to offer the highest possible quality of teaching to all students.
- The Artistic director offers guidance to the Director and to the professors and assesses their work in order to make sure that high Quality is insecure.
- There is Evaluation of Academic personnel through the Observation by the Director, Principal or Visiting Professors, students’ exam results, Personal interviews to see if their course goals are being achieved and observations and comments by the students
- There is a continuous student evaluation all through the year for quality assurance based on Semester exams, annual exams, oral or written examinations and performance in the instrument, Essays, presentations and other course work. Also, through their Participation and performance in concerts and seminars organized by the Academy or other bodies
- Conferences are organised to train the teaching staff, take part in academic, the teaching personnel takes part in seminars and workshops organised either by the academy or by other institutions both in Cyprus and abroad.
- The Academy follows the music news both in Cyprus and abroad in order to constantly improve.
- The academy invites professors from abroad if it considers that for some instruments there are no qualified teachers, at a high cost, for the sake of the quality.
- the Academy uses strict criteria for admission, attendance and graduation in order to be able to offer a high-quality level of study
- The Academy has Excellent music equipment and facilities.It has a specialised lending library, dedicate exclusively to music. The library contains a large number of Greek and English academic books (4,000), journals (550), music scores and study scores. It also houses a rich and varied audio-visual collection (CD ‘s and DVDs) that includes rare recordings. The library is being constantly updated.
- The academy invites examiners from abroad to be part of the examination committees.
- The Academy organizes Public Examinations in order for the students to have the experience to perform Infront of an audience.
The aims of the Academy are:
- To offer higher education in music studies
- To offer a highly structured level of teaching and evaluation
- To equip and prepare the student for entering the music profession successfully, in the fields of Music Education, Performance, Composition, and othermusic and artistic fields.
- To provide a high standard of education that will enable our students to pursue further in music studies and research.
- The course has been formed by experienced musicians (Performers,composers, academics and pedagogues) based on other programs of great music schools abroad. It has been done with a great effort to balance the theoretical, instrumental and academic study of music, as well as balance in the main courses of pathways and on the basis of assessment of the knowledge of the graduates of other musicians.
- The quality of the course is ensured through the sessions and decisions taken by members of the academic and administrative staff, by various committees such as the Council, the Academic Committee, the Administrative Committee and the Internal Evaluation Committee as well as by the students.
- Internal Evaluation Committee is in charge of monitoring and maintaining a continuous high standard of education that ensures our aims and objectives in Quality education.
- The faculty consists of eminent musicians and scholars of different musical backgrounds, covering a wide range of interests and research. Martino Tirimo, the distinguished pianists and musician serves as the artistic director of the Academy. The principal of the Academy is Pitsa Spyridaki who is well recognised for her contribution in music education in Cyprus for many years. The director and the professors are committed to offer the highest possible quality of teaching to all students.
- The Artistic director offers guidance to the Director and to the professors and assesses their work in order to make sure that high Quality is insecure.
- There is Evaluation of Academic personnel through the Observation by the Director, Principal or Visiting Professors, students’ exam results, Personal interviews to see if their course goals are being achieved and observations and comments by the students
- There is a continuous student evaluation all through the year for quality assurance based on Semester exams, annual exams, oral or written examinations and performance in the instrument, Essays, presentations and other course work. Also, through their Participation and performance in concerts and seminars organized by the Academy or other bodies
- Conferences are organised to train the teaching staff, take part inacademic, the teaching personnel takes part in seminars and workshops organised either by the academy or by other institutions both in Cyprus and abroad.
- The Academy follows the music news both in Cyprus and abroad in order to constantly improve.
- The academy invites professors from abroad if it considers that for some instruments there are no qualified teachers, at a high cost, for the sake of the quality.
- the Academy uses strict criteria for admission, attendance and graduation in order to be able to offer a high-quality level of study
- The Academy has Excellent music equipment and facilities.It has a specialised lending library, dedicate exclusively to music. The library contains a large number of Greek and English academic books (4,000), journals (550), music scores and study scores. It also houses a rich and varied audio-visual collection (CD ‘s and DVDs) that includes rare recordings. The library is being constantly updated
- The academy invites examiners from abroad to be part of the examination committees.
- The Academy organizes Public Examinations in order for the students to have the experience to perform Infront of an audience.
About Arte
The ARTE Music Academy
began its operation in September 2002 as the first Music
School of Higher Education in Cyprus and is the only specialized one
and dedicated exclusively to Music.
four-year field of studies Assessed-Certified by S.EK.A.P. and
recognized by KY.S.A.T.S., which leads to obtaining a Degree
of Music Studies (Bachelor’s Degree in Music). Her graduates continue
their studies with great success in notable Universities
abroad securing Master’s Degree and Doctorate Degrees.
four-year field of studies Assessed-Certified by S.EK.A.P. and
recognized by KY.S.A.T.S., which leads to obtaining a Degree
of Music Studies (Bachelor’s Degree in Music). Her graduates continue
their studies with great success in notable Universities
abroad securing Master’s Degree and Doctorate Degrees.
Επιτυχίες της Ακαδημίας

“Η Ακαδημία από την αρχή της λειτουργίας της έχει πολλές επιτυχίες και πολλές συμμετοχές στην πολιτιστική και καλλιτεχνική ζωή της Κύπρου και του εξωτερικού, τόσο από καθηγητές της όσο και από τους φοιτητές της.”
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Opening Hours
Mon-Fri: 8 AM – 5 PM
Μουσική Ακαδημία ARTE
Αναστασίου Λεβέντη 34–36
Λευκωσία 1097